Google is working on a new operating system called Fuchsia, an OS designed for modern phones and modern PC.

Speaking of those devices, as the tech company already has Android and Chrome operating system, it lifts up the possibility that the operating system Fuchsia will compete with Google's own work.

New operating system is hard to launch on the market, but with Android, Google became one of the few tech giants to successfully do so. With that, the team who is working with Fuchsia includes top operating system technicians, such as the experts who were involved with the remarkable BeOS. As Apple Inc. successfully displayed iOS on its iPhones, the new operating system of Google can bring substantial new benefits to customers, according to CNET.

However, the odd part is that, the operating system that Google is working has nothing to do with Android or Chrome OS. And the statement of the tech company about the new operating system doesn't help with figuring it out as Pink + Purple = Fuchsia.

With OS Fuchsia surfacing up, it seems that Google will be parting ways with their long-term partner Linux - since Fuchsia does not rely on the core basic code running both Android and Chrome OS, the Linux kernel.

As an alternative, the new operating system makes a practical use of Magenta, an in-house project created by Google that seems to line up towards exploring the possibilities of machine learning and intelligence, Futurism reported.

Furthermore, Google may move away the new OS from Android for the reason that the company is almost certain to finish making a big payout to the computer software company Oracle in 2017 or 2018.

A court case between the two tech companies that ended its latest phase earlier in 2016, with the jury favored on the side of Google and decided that fair use covered its appropriation of about 11,000 lines of code from Java software of Oracle, according to IT Wire.

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