"Dragon Ball Super" has introduced a slew of invincible forms for the show's cast of heroes in the past. Over the years, the hit Japanese anime television series has paved the way for Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Fushion et al.

Not too long ago, Goku and Vegeta discovered how to acquire the power of Super Saiyan Blue, and Goku, going a step further, found out how to how to merge his Super Saiyan Blue powers with that of his kaio-ken technique to bring off his most powerful form thus far.

While avid "Dragon Ball Super" fans speculate what new transformation the show has in store for them, Japanese TV listing hinted that it may be dubbed Super Saiyan Rose.

Black Goku is slated to get a transformation in a forthcoming episode of "Dragon Ball Super." Zelous "DBS" fanatics are calling this "Super Saiyan Pink," however if the Japanese TV anime listing (via Dragon Ball Sokuhou) is anything to go by, it's called "Super Saiyan Rose."

"Dragon Ball Super" Episode 56: Synopsis, Airdate And Title

The listing for episode 56, which premieres on August 28, notes "Black Goku Rematch! Super Saiyan Rose Appears!!"

Further cementing this, an official art of Goku Black's Saiyan Rose form leaked online.

Black Goku, a cryptic character from the future with earmarks of Goku, is the existing heel of the series. Although Black Goku bears a strong resemblance to Goku, the character is completely different. The two have squared off against each other in the series, and it looks like "DBS" fans are in for another epic showdown in the upcoming episode 56, TechTimes reported.

There is no confirmation in terms of which character - Black Goku, Goku or both - will go through the new transformation.

Apparently, the new form of Super Saiyan turns the user's hair pink (which justify the name Super Saiyan Rose). The aforementioned leaked artwork for the series further establishes that assumption by teasing what looks like Goku Black showing off a new light-ish red coiffure.

It yet to be seen how much stronger the Super Saiyan Rose form is as compared to Super Saiyan Blue, and what other new abilities that transformation may add to the user's arsenal. Nevertheless, the purported new form of Super Saiyan is the most recent in a long tradition of progressively powerful new forms for the show's protagonists and heels.

"Dragon Ball Super" Episode 57: Synopsis, Airdate And Title

While the title for "Dragon Ball Super" episode 57 is yet to be decided, this episode is slated to air on Sunday, September 4.

In episode 57, Goku becomes Super Saiyan Blue and utilizes his strength against Black. Avid "DBS" fans will need to wait with bated breath to find out if Goku and the gang can overthrow Black.

Stay tuned for more updates and episode spoilers.