Radford University officials' committed a major blooper that has all other universities checking through their documents. Administrators of the university accidentally misspelled "Virginia" as "Virgina" in all the diploma certificates that were awarded to graduate and undergraduate students.

Meghan McNeice, 21, graduated from Radford University in Virginia in May. McNeice stated that she did not immediately realize the spelling error when she looked at the certificate for the first time.

"I was just looking at it as a graduate, I was excited. I wasn't, like, going through copy editing," McNeice said.

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The university did not know about the error until Tuesday morning, when a graduated pointed out the mistake to them. In addition to 'Virginia' the word 'thereto' was mentioned as 'therto.'

"The error was caused when the commercial software system used to produce the diplomas within the university's registrar's office was upgraded in the fall of 2012. That software upgrade required that the diploma narrative be re-keyed into the program. It was during the re-keying process that the typographical errors were introduced into the template," Joe Carpenter, University spokesman said.

Carpenter assured the graduates that corrected diplomas will be mailed to them within the next two weeks.

"Radford University regrets any inconvenience this error may have caused our alumni and will be working to correct these errors in a timely manner," Carpenter added.

Although McNeice will be receiving the corrected diploma at the soonest, she plans to keep the misspelled one 'for laughs.