"Star Wars Rebels" animated series unraveled its upcoming season's trailer. Many of the show's enthusiasts also saw new content for the Disney show's upcoming third season.

IGN released its first teaser for "Star Wars Rebels" during the annual celebration of "Star Wars". The upcoming season's trailer showed Ezra and a blind Kanan facing Maul, but Maul manages to get the upper hand and closes the doors as he is sucked into space, MNR Daily reported.

Numerous rumors circulated on the Internet that a scene of Maul and Darth Vader collide and battle each other on "Star Wars Rebels." However, Dave Filoni, executive producer and co creator of the animated series said that the battle between two Siths was never thought of. Despite Filoni's answer to the Vader and Maul Sith fight, he is still open to the idea for possible future storylines for the series.

Meanwhile, Bendu is confirmed to be the newest character to join the "Star Wars Rebels" animated series. In "Star Wars Rebels," Season 3, Bendu will be portrayed as a giant that helps a blinded Kanan establish a deeper connection with the Force. Bendu reportedly will neither be good nor bad since he lies within the gray area of the Force.

The upcoming animated series "Star Wars Rebels" Season 3 also revealed that Bendu does not side with the Jedis or the Siths, and notes that there is possibility that he may become an evil character eventually on the animated series.

However, Bendu knows how to channel the Force and is said to be voiced by the famous British personality Tom Baker, also known as the 4th Doctor Who, Gizmodo reported. Also based on affirmations from the show's creators, Grand Admiral Thrawn may not be the only villain for the animated series.

"Star Wars Rebels" is set to broadcast its Season 3 this fall on Disney XD.