The Korean tech giant company LG has dropped the bomb this morning to confirm that the newest V20 model will be released in September which will be operated with Android 7.0 known as Nougat, making it as the first device filled with the newest flavor of Android.

LG surprises the Android world with such revelation, making use of the proper timing and words. Taking advantage on their one selling point - likely to be the first device landed in the market with Nougat-filled overtaking Google with latest versions of Android operated Nexus devices.

CNET reported that LG will also take advantage on the certain features of Android 7.0 and that includes Doze battery saver, better support for gaming graphics, speedily reply to text messages through Directly Reply and work directly on certain tasks through the notification panel. The launching of the new product will be on September 6 in San Francisco. Despite being left behind from its greatest competitors Apple and Samsung which dominated the marker, LG has done it better to distinguish their products by adding features such as modular capability for Friends and G5, 360-degree camera, rolling robot and LTE action camera streaming.

On the other hand, Google who typically landed on top of the game stood up and brushed off the dust from the so-called defeat. They even hinted on extra software coming to Nexus phones. Google CEO Sundar Pichai issued a statement in an interview with The Verge, "You'll see us hopefully add more features on top of Android Nexus phones. There's a lot of software innovation to be had." He also acknowledges the need to be more opinionated about the designs of the phones where the company should be focusing at.

LG V20 will surely be enjoying the attention it has most especially when it is aligned with Android Nougat. Meanwhile, the engineers of Google are taking extra miles to ready the services and companions apps Daydream, Google Home, Assistant, Allo/Duo and Android Wear.