Apple Inc.'s women and minority employees earn the same amount of money as their white, male co-workers in similar positions.

As the technology company released its yearly inclusion and diversity report, Apple claimed that they have achieved pay equity. The report of the company stated that women earn one dollar for every dollar a male employees will earn. And underrepresented minorities will also earn one dollar for every dollar a white employee will earn.

The report of Apple also stated that their new hires are more diverse compared to the company's current employees.

To put the matters in perspective, the White House made it known that in the United States, women earn 78 cents to the dollar, according to CNET.

The pay gap is one of many important problems related to diversity that company in the technology industry face. Like Apple Inc., they had to confront tough questions about the treatment of women and minorities in the company, and the industry continues to struggle with this matter surrounding the recruitment, retention and promotion.

Apple Inc. isn't the first multinational technology company to claim that they reached equal pay. In April, Facebook and Microsoft Corporation also asserted they had no gender pay gap within their company.

However, the tech giant still employs white males, with 67 percent of men representing the company's workforce and 54 percent of white employees representing the total workforce.

When Apple began publicly cataloging the figures, the company's statistics have changed by no more than 1 percentage point since 2014. Apple asserted that they are committed to improving those numbers across the board, to ensure the gender and racial makeup of Apple is a reflection of the world around them, The Verge reported.

And as Apple has tried to adjust its hiring practices, Denise Young Smith, the company's VP of Worldwide Human Resources is a black woman, based on the report of Apple Insider.

Meanwhile, watch Apple's "iPad Pro" video here: