Dr. Mark Waymack, an adjunct associate professor of Medical Humanities and Bioethics at the Northwestern University is stepping down from his post and moving out of his home near the Evanston, Ill., campus saying he is fed up of waking up to beer cans and used condoms disposed in his yard. He suspects some hooligan students behind the doing.

"The used condoms tend to show up in the back yard, actually," Waymack said, adding complaints about "the vomit, the beer cans in the hedges. I think they horse around late at night."

Waymack said that he is particularly annoyed and disappointed with the university administrators for tolerating the students' behavior, instead of disciplining them.

"There hasn't been any real engagement, real enforcement. It's much more of a tolerance of students-will-be-students," Waymack said.

Waymack submitted his resignation letter to Morton Schapiro, president of the University. In his letter he wrote:

"My perception is there's a culture of tolerance or perhaps indifference on the institution's part that students will be students. I hold you and your office accountable for this sort of behavior."

Giving another example of the student's rebellious behavior, Waymack said that the students go wild during Dillo Day, a springtime festival and concert, typically turning the annual event into a 'drinking holiday' with plenty of 'ragefests.'

Addressing the accusations and criticisms put forth by the professor, a Northwestern spokesman said, "We are sorry to hear he apparently feels our students' behavior has been troublesome. The university tries to be a good neighbor and hopes our students are good neighbors as well. We wish him well in his future endeavors."

Waymack is still an associate professor of philosophy at Loyola University in Chicago.