During an active shooter drill at University Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, police officers stormed the hallways and apprehended a fictional shooter, CBS New York reported.

The drill was apparently meant to be as realistic as possible. Some hospital staff members screamed, while some lay on the ground pretending to be hurt and looking bloody. Cops then took down the fake suspect.

"Shot me in my arm," the man said. "He shot me."

"Alright, stop acting," he was told, at which point, the drill ended.

The drill was made to simulate moments as tense as they would be if an active shooter were to actually enter the building.

"My heart was beating pretty fast. I mean it's scary," said Megan, a fourth semester University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) nursing student, said. "With disasters that are happening in our country, you have to be prepared."

John Huertas, UMDNJ police director, stressed the same point.

"These are the types of scenarios that you train for, that you hope you never have to respond to," he said. "It provides the hospital staff and us with that interaction of working together."

Brian Dolan, hospital emergency preparedness director, said preparing for the most extreme situations would be beneficial for the way staff members react.

"You have to prepare for the worst type of event," he said. "In an active shooting inside of a hospital, it would be one of those worst type of events."

"All these exercises make us aware that something could happen, how to behave," Alona Krivulin, who is in her last semester, said.

Classmate Kristen Andrews said she felt the same way.

"It almost makes it feel like it really is real and I think it's really good preparation, God forbid anything were to happen."