The first season of the Japanese anime series, "One Punch Man", ended with a bang in December 2015. Now, fans are looking forwards to its Season 2 and it will reportedly be aired in English-dubbed version.

Fans and followers of the famous Japanese series, "One Punch Man" are waiting for the arrival of the series' Season 2 on the small screens. Despite the rumors of delays, positive details were revealed regarding the airing of the anime series. If you think you'll be very busy with college paperwork by that moment, you can contact research helpers in advance to make sure you don't miss the premier.

During the Anime Expo, announcement was made saying that the anime series will air on Adult Swim's Toonami. It was also announced that "One Punch Man" will be dubbed in English.

The anime series was based on the manga series "One Punch Man" which is about a regular individual named Saitama who trained very hard until he went bald. Saitama had superb strength and he was able to destroy his enemies with only one punch. He was so bored of being very strong until he met a guy named Boros, the villain in the manga series. Boros travelled across the universe just to face the legendary one-punch man. He was defeated in the Season 1 final battle.

The second season will reportedly air in October, or even sooner. The actors that will voice the main characters in the anime, Genos and Saitama, were also revealed. Saitama will be voiced by Max Mittleman, while Genos will be voiced by Zach Aguilar, YIBADA reported.

Other characters' voice actors are also revealed. Speed O' Sound Sonic will have the voice of Erik Scott Kimerer while Mumen Rider will be voiced by Robbie Daymond, Parent Herald reported.

It was noted that the Season 2 of "One Punch Man" will show a different side of the main character, Saitama. This side of the hero was never seen before.

The details of the October English-subbed airing were not further explained, but the news of its release date should be enough to satiate the fans' dismays.