Pregnancy Supplements Have No Evidence To Improve Babies And Mothers’ Health; Doctors Advice Folic Acid And Vitamin D Instead
ByPregnancy supplements has unsupported claims to prove its benefits on expecting mothers and their babies a research study found out. Thus, the consumption and prescription of these pre-natal supplements are just waste of time and money.
People spends about $19.90 monthly for pregnancy supplements. But doctors suggests folic acid and vitamin D, instead, which are available at quite a very low cost, Tech Times wrote. The review said that what turn people to pre-natal supplement is the potential deficiency in key nutrients during their pregnancy has been associated with conditions such as pre-eclampsia, neural tube defects, low birth weight, restricted fetal growth and skeletal deformity.
Often, these prenatal supplements contain about 20 vitamins and minerals including copper, folic acid, iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc. These also include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E and K. But in the research published at Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin journal, researchers said that only Vitamin D and folic acid can deliver health improvements.
Royal College of Midwives' Janet Fyle encouraged pregnant woman to have a healthy diet including fresh fruit and vegetables, combined with taking folic acid supplements. However, the pregnancy supplements industry accused the review findings of being confusing and unhelpful for expecting mothers, Tech Times added. The review findings did confirm the current official national advice prescribing pregnant women to take Vitamin D and folic acid supplements.
Particularly, expecting mothers are advised to have 400 micrograms daily intake of folic acid until their 12th week of pregnancy, The Guardian wrote. This will support the reduction of risks of neural tube defects that might disturb the baby's brain and spine.
Additionally, the clinical trials reviewed by research team found little data that vitamin D can help reduce woman's pregnancy risk or birth complications. Conversely, the reviews maintained the advice that mothers should take it daily throughout the pregnancy and breastfeeding months.
For more pregnancy tips, check the video below.