McDonalds CEO Don Thompson told a nine-year-old at the company's annual shareholders meeting last week that his fast-food restaurant does not sell junk food, reported Business Insider.

Hannah Robertson and her mother flew to Oak Brook, Illinois from their home in Kelowna, British Columbia to attend the meeting and to voice their concerns about the lack of healthy options for kids on the McDonalds menu.

"We don't sell junk food, Hannah," Thompson told her, then continued to tell her his own kids eat at McDonald's and also enjoy home-cooked meals.

Despite McDonald's efforts to offer more healthy options like including apples in happy meals and the new egg white breakfast option, a doctor in attendance named Andrew Bremer called Thompson out for the company's role in poor health in children.

"My medical and public health colleagues the world over have repeatedly acknowledged the science I think McDonald's-style fast food and the fast food practices to the decline in children's health and McDonald's has yet to make substitute changes," he said.

Thompson defended his company's brand against Bremer's criticism that McDonald's is doing more to harm children's health than help it.

"We provide high-quality food," Thompson said. "We always have; it's real beef, it's real chicken, it's real tomatoes, real lettuce, real fruit, real smoothies, real dairy, real eggs, and we do it in a way that is also affordable."

Thompson also fielded criticism for the fast-food joint's customer service. According to, surveys show that customers are increasingly displeased with McDonald's associates with the chief complaint being about friendliness.

In response, McDonald's named their former global chief restaurant officer Jeff Stratton president. Their goal is for the move is to improve customer service.

"The new leadership has decided to focus on customer satisfaction as a real driver for us to build the brand and build sales," a McDonald's official told the Wall Street Journal. "So for us to maximize the potential that's out there, we've got to be the leader in guest satisfaction."