So what people say about 'Resident Evil VII' Biohazard virtual reality?

The reactions to the 'Resident Evil VII' virtual reality experience have been a bit on the mixed side, but if you want to hear the positive, Capcom just published a dedicated video.

For many, the Resident Evil 7 VR is actually scary, and makes people not want to play it alone. The screams are plentiful, and jumpscares are just as unexpected as you would want them to be.

A gamer stated that if you want the hairs on your neck to stand up, it's going to happen.

The scare factor is also too much for some. Making them so nervous and sick in a good way. It's probably the scariest resident evil that they played.

An M.Bison cosplayer even stated that it was so scary, and that for Bison, that was saying a lot. There is nothing that freaks out M.Bison, except for Resident Evil 7 VR.

People are impressed with how the VR aspect of the game works to its advantage. Some were expecting it to be not good, but were pleasantly surprised with how they enjoyed the experience.

Paul Anderson, the director of the Resident Evil movie franchise said that the atmosphere that made it scary. Just being immersed the the old creepy house. He was greatly impressed with the texture and the detail of the graphics. To him it was amazing and a beautiful piece of work. He also hinted at delving into creating a VR movie for next year, PC Mag reported.

The overall consensus is that Resident 7 has realistic graphics with incredible atmosphere. The brain does not know that it is in a game - and because you are so sorrounded by it, you actually feel fear. Every experience within the game is intense to the point that you can almost smell the rotting carcasses in the rooms. You can tell that you are in a Resident Evil game, but with you being actually in it.

Horror fans may love this VR experience. The atmosphere created by the spooky surroundings and grotesque details is one that horror game genre fans and fans of the series shouldn't miss.