Two professors at Roger Williams University, Dr. Bonita Cade and Sharon DeLucca, are suing the institution after facing years of harassment and prejudice by their male colleagues at the workplace. The professors are also seeking over one million dollars plus punishment damages.

DeLucca said that the harassment started when she demanded equal pay for female professors performing the same task as their male counterparts at the university.

"I've tried to handle this internally with University administrators, but my concerns were met with threats and overt retaliation," DeLucca said.

In another instance, Deluca alleges that she was subjected to frequent bullies and terrorization by administrators and staff after asking for compensation and a position as the department head of the Graphic Design, which she had established in the first place.

DeLucca then filed an internal Sexual Discrimination claim against a male administrator, who sent back a threatening hate mail. The threatening mail sent her to the hospital, suffering from stroke-like symptoms. She claims that she was sent a bouquet of black lilies (funeral flowers) by the university at the time of hospitalization.

On the other hand, Cade, an African-American Forensic Psychology Professor, said that despite having an established successful academic career and credentials, she was merely seen as an affirmative action hire.

In the past, Cade said she experienced sexual harassment from fellow male professors while attempting to enter her classroom.

She said that one time, a male colleague blocked the doorway and brushed up against her. Because of this, she is now forced to time her entrance to her classrooms accurately to avoid bumping into the male tutor.

Regardless of countless numbers of allegations against the university, both professors have decided to continue their work in order to defend their claims and to set an example for their students.

Later, the university issued a statement saying, "We intend to vigorously defend against the alleged claims as they relate to the university, and we believe that we will ultimately prevail in each case."