On Thursday, the Supreme Court asserted again as a fact that the value of creating a diverse student body allows university officials to consider race in making admission decisions.

The Supreme Court technically supported the plan of the University of Texas that has been the subject of a legal battle for years.

The 4-to-3 decision of the Supreme Court was a surprising victory for supporters of affirmative action, who had engaged the term with hopes up that the court would not use the case to prohibit all uses of affirmative action, Washington Post reported.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy's written majority opinion stated it again that the rulings of the previous high-court regarding diversity justifies some disruption on the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection, which the government is generally forbidden to make decisions based on race.

Justice Samuel Alito along with Justice Clarence Thomas and Chief Justice John Roberts expressed their opinions by saying the court's decision was incorrect, and most likely the same with the high court decision in 2013 - in an earlier chapter of the same case, Wall Street Journal reported.

A law professor at the University of Chicago - Justin Driver, stated the decision was an indication that affirmative action is safe not only at the University of Texas, as well as around the nation.

Professor Driver stated that the policy of the University of Texas had been recognized by legal experts to be vulnerable to challenges for the reason that it augmented a rare admissions plan.

President Obama made a formal salute to the decision, and the president told reporters at the White House that he is glad that the Supreme Court gave assistance to the basic notion as the diversity is an essential value in their society, NY Times reported.

President Obama also said that they are not a nation that guarantees equal end results, however, they do strive to provide an equal chance to everybody.