The latest Science and Health survey reveals that among beer drinkers, the Craft Beer drinkers rank top in the healthiest list. Craft Beer refers to the manner beer products are being processed, produced and packaged!

The Craft Beer stands out among the other Beer brands as being single-handedly produced by the Brewer's Association.

Accordingly, the brewery characteristics for such can be described as small, independent and traditional. By the main standard of being traditional alone, quality of the Craft Beer proves to exceed its reputation.

Thus, the latest survey leads to an open-ended conclusion saying that the Craft Beer can contribute to the eventual reduction of diseases like Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Hypertension and Osteoporosis among adult drinkers, Men's Journal stated.

In the survey involving 1, 978 of the general drinking population, craft drinkers stood out to be healthier than the mean 76% of the non-craft drinkers.

To take a pinch of a salt from the glorious discovery, Julia Herz of the "Craft Beer Program" saw to it that facts are taken straight from the horse's mouth. Thus, another discovery (from a researcha and survey funded by the Craft Beer Program) took place that backed the recent findings and stunned the scientific community- Craft Beer drinking increases drinker's "health consciousness".

Albeit sounding open-ended, such scientific proposition advances a very real and significant finding.

At best, the Craft Beer does some chemical alterations in the mind and body that eases the drinker's view of what healthy lifestyle should be.

Whether it be attributed to the very thin line separating the percentage of the previous study- 76% vs. 80%, or the organic calories juiced out with traditional brewing, there is no doubt that drinking Craft Beer has always been concomitant with healthy lifestyle, Brewer's Association stated.

Craft Beer has more to contribute to Science and Health as expected, the same way that there is much to learn from it.

With such pride as being the director of the Craft Beer Program, Herz expresses that the Craft Beer is the new "thing" in the market and that it does not only revitalize health, but also challenge the way both beer sellers and drinkers view beer consumption.

Topics Science, Beer