The new "Nighthawk" Batman series premiered last week, where Raymond Kane found himself in Chicago, where his environment is dabbed in racial tensions are sparked by a controversial police-involved shooting of a young black man.

Written by David Walker with art manipulations by Ramon Villalobos, Joe Caramagna and Tamra Bonvillain, "Nighthawk" interesting plot is how it deals these tensions into a superhero setting. This set-up is not a new form to create an angrier Batman persona. The character this time began as homage to the Dark Knight and now a sublime response to Batman criticism. Bruce Wayne was often speculated as someone to do more with his personal affluence and political power to level up lives of Gotham's underclass, instead of battling evil beneath a bat costume while attacking helpless people, Gizmodo reported.

By all means, Walker took these criticisms of Batman as inspiration. Motivated by the trauma he dealt with a child, Raymond Kane is standing up against societal injustice. Yet both the seditious incident and superhero reaction are racially provoked. As "Nighthawk", Kane viciously incapacitates a white-supremacist quadroon of meth-dealing gun-runners, Gizmodo added.

Subplots including a masked serial killer, prevalent political corruption and the grim past of Nighthawk's ops coordinator Tilda Johnson are all added grist appeal for the series. But Raymond Kane's volatile undercurrent running through inside him that will keep viewers hooked to this series in coming months.

An unusual resistance inside this debut issue is on the rise as "Nighthawk" does not seem like the kind of character Marvel would set up for any sort of gentler attitude shift. Apparently, it is already clear that his particular line of crime-fighting is not psychologically sustainable. It is because the main character in the series is Batman, preoccupied by an enemy all his skill or money cannot overcome. What viewers will be stucked on is on how "Nighthawk" is going to have to transform into something else. It may not be apparent yet but we will know in the coming episodes, Gizmodo said.

What do you think about the David Walker's Batman interpretation?

Topics Batman, Marvel