Smith College denied admission to Calliope Wong, a transgender female high school applicant after her Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) revealed Wong as male. The student's fee was also returned by the college.

FAFSA of the U.S. Department of Education is a standard document required for financial aid consideration.

The rejection letter signed by the Dean of Admission, Debra Shaver, March 10 says:

"Smith is a women's college, which means that undergraduate applicants to Smith must be female at the time of admission. Your FAFSA indicates your gender as male. Therefore, Smith cannot process your application."

Wong,17, who posted the letter on her blog said, "I cried the day my papers came back. I still feel like crying."

The rejection letter, has caused an outcry in the online community, and among Smith students, members of varsity crew team, alumni and students from other colleges.

Two face book pages have been created in support for Wong, Smith Q&A and Trans Women Belong at Smith College.

In order to alter her status as female on the FAFSA form, Wong has to undergo vaginoplasty (feminizing genital surgery) to change her sex on the birth certificate. Smith College will only consider her female if she undergoes sex reassignment surgery.

Wong said that trans women at the age of 17 or 18 are not ready for surgery as it can be a costly and complicated process. The decision to proceed with the operation is taken after years of introspection.

Wong felt that she had been betrayed by Shaver, who earlier gave her a confirmation last August that her application would be considered based on her academic merit.

"Smith College is fully capable of reviewing my application and making an admissions decision for me based on my credentials. Just-it's so simple, really. This is obvious discrimination on Smith's part," Wong said.

Wong said that that she had no plans to challenge Smith's decision, but will continue to fight for better policies and system of education for transwomen.