UFO Sighting: UFO Hunters Challenge NASA To Explain Another UFO Sighting At International Space Station [VIDEO]
ByAfter NASA denied the claims that UFO sightings have been happening, an online UFO community claims that a recent mysterious UFO was caught on the live International Space Station stream. The alleged UFO was hovering close to the ISS in low Earth orbit.
But a NASA spokesperson had again denied such claims, reiterating that most supposed sightings were caused by reflections coming from the station's windows forming the spacecraft structure or lights from Earth. But regardless of the explanation released by NASA, YouTube UFO hunter Streetcap1 claimed to have sighted a UFO appearing in a shiny metallic surface hovering close to the ISS.
In a blog called UFO Sightings Daily, Scott C. Waring said in a comment that it was easy to imply that the shininess is due to its metallic surface. Adding that, it was not a perfect disc but has areas of the disc pushed outward as seen in the photo above. The sighting photo was argyably one of the best examples of a UFO flying around the space station in many years.
New #Map Released Showing Every #UFO Sighting Since 1933 To Today https://t.co/utnmg8RDPj pic.twitter.com/NMMz4jrcIH
— Neon Nettle (@NeonNettle) May 23, 2016
Skeptics have denied previous claims of UFO sightings by suggesting that these sighting could have been Russian Soyuz Spacecraft or some supply-carrrier vessels from Earth to the ISS. Or probably capsules carrying waste materials ejected from the ISS, Inquisitr reported.
Alien and UFO hunters have claimed various UFO sightings drooling aournd the ISS. UFO hunters believed that the occurrence of sightings caught on the live ISS stream could mean that there is a heavy traffic of UFOs near the space station. Inquisitr added that conspiracy theorists blame NASA of covering up evidences proving the surrounding area of the ISS is a hot spot for UFO activities by shutting the live stream when a UFO comes out in the live feed.
The Inquisitr reported last April that NASA waived a home policy to not comment on UFO detection claims when a spokesperson for the agency responded to a claim that the agency intentionally shut down live transmission after a "diamond-" or "horseshoe-shaped" UFO emerged on the live video.
Below is the video featuring the alledge sighting. Do you agree with the UFO hunters claim? Share your answer at the comment section!