Moody's Investors Service assigned Aa3 rating to Georgia Institute of Technology.
Moody's Aa3, the bond credit ratings, has given Georgia Institute of Technology, the Aa3 ratings. The ratings applied to series of lease rental bonds and left the campus debt of $263 million in total.
Moody's Aa3 ratings simply represent the Georgia Tech as a good and reputable university for research and studies in technology. The campus holds an excellent brand and service including strong financial performance.
According to Moody's Investor Service, the rating outlines strategic support of the Board of Regents in the university. Other financial checklists include complex organizational debt structure, limited unrestricted liquidity, and rental agreement.
Moody's Aa3 rating on behalf of Georgia Institute of Technology confirmed a stable outlook. The strong moral of the campus financed facilities is solid along with evidence based on student enrollments and the growth in revenues. Georgia Tech strength highlights include the philanthropic programs and ongoing dynamic researches.
According to the announcement made by Moody's, the university also continues to receive large funds for sponsored research. The total award reached $622 million in 2013.
Georgia Institute of Technology is under University System of Georgia. The Atlanta based campus is a public university focused on research, established in 1885. In 2015, the university recorded 22,000 enrollments and more than $1 billion revenues.
Moody's also makes some notes on what could make the rating goes up and down. For instance, improvement in the credit profile in Board of Regent could mean an upgrade. It can also be combined with the resource growth for further upgraded ratings.
The ratings, can also move down if there is the lack of lease renewal seen by the Board of Regents. Also, if there is a decrease in support and weakening performance - it could lead to a downward rating.