Prominent Catholic educational institutions such as Georgetown University, Catholic University of America, University of Notre Dame, the University of Dayton and Providence College are supporting Boston College's decision to stop students from distributing condoms within campus boundaries.

"One of the teachings of our faith is that contraception is morally unacceptable," Victor Nakas, spokesman for Catholic University, said. "Since condoms are a form of contraception, we do not permit their distribution on campus."

Boston College (BC) officials ordered Safe Sites, a network of 18 dorm rooms and other locations, to discontinue its supply of free contraceptives and safe sex information pamphlets.

The university officials threatened the student group with a letter two weeks ago saying that as a Jesuit Catholic Institution, circulation of condoms violates its Roman Catholic values. They warned that students will be penalized if they continued to hand out contraceptives on campus.

An excerpt of the letter:

"While we understand that you may not be intentionally violating university policy, we do need to advise you that should we receive any reports that you are, in fact, distributing condoms on campus, the matter would be referred to the student conduct office for disciplinary action by the university."

The student group has scheduled a meeting with the BC officials end of April. Till then, they will continue to supply free male and female condoms, lubricants and pamphlets about sexual health.

The group that works to improve sexual health education and resources is not recognized by the university. It is sponsored by the Boston College Students for Sexual Health (BCCH).

Lizzie Jekanowski, chair of BCSSH, said that the 'Safe Sites' program is trying to educate the students on safe sex on the university's behalf as it doesn't offer programs of this kind.

Meanwhile, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has cautioned BC that it will not hesitate to take action against the university if it proceeds with disciplining the group of students.

ACLU attorney Sarah Wunsch, told Fox News that Massachusetts Civil Rights Act of 1979 prohibits both private/ public institutions from to interfering with civil rights.

Other Massachusetts colleges, the College of the Holy Cross and Stonehill College, have banned the distribution of condoms on campus.