Boston College (BC) is threatening to punish a group of students who are distributing condoms in their dorms and at varied campus locations, known as 'Safe Sites.'

Earlier this month, school officials issued a warning letter, signed by Dean of Students Paul J. Chebator and George Arey, director of residence life, to the concerned students to stop distributing condoms.

The group that works to improve sexual health education and resources, is not recognized by the university. It is sponsored by the Boston College Students for Sexual Health (BCCH).

Students can go to any one of the program location and pick up free male and female condoms, lubricant, and pamphlets about sexual health.

"The students have repeatedly ignored warnings," BC spokesman Jack Dunn said. "The dean sent the letter to the students saying their actions were incongruent with the Jesuit Catholic values of Boston College and asked them to cease in this activity."

Dunn also said that students are aware of the fact that public distribution of condoms violates the university's policies and values, and that they will be severely punished for not following them.

Lizzie Jekanowski, chair of BCSSH, said that the 'Safe Sites' program is trying to educate the students on safe sex on the university's behalf as it doesn't offer programs of this kind.

Meanwhile, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has cautioned BC that it will not hesitate to take action against the university if it proceeds with disciplining the group of students.

ACLU attorney Sarah Wunsch, told CBS news that state civil rights are applicable to private institutions also and that they should abide by the law.

Responding to the comment, Dunn said that as a private institution they created their own policies and held students accountable to those policies.

Along with ACLU, Boston College professors' group is also supporting the students who might be punished for distributing condoms.