Grammy award winner and singer, Rihanna will be giving out scholarships for college students through her Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF). However, Rihanna's scholarship program will be exclusive and catered to a few.
Rihanna's global scholarship program in collaboration with her Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF) will only be catered to international students who are hoping to get into US colleges and universities. Students who can apply must be a native or a resident of the US and Latin countries including Haiti, Guyanna, Jamaica, Brazil, Cuba and Rihanna's native country Barbados, USA Today reported. They also must already be accepted into a 4-year program in the college or university of their choosing in the US for the school year 2016-2017.
Donate to the @ClaraLionelFdn, your dollars will address the needs of communities globally >
— (@RihannaDaily) May 10, 2016
Rihanna told the outlet that she is "thrilled" to be able to provide college scholarships for those who are in need of it. She also considers it an honor to be able to provide educational opportunities. The scholarships granted will range from $5,000 to $50,000 and are renewable up to three years or until the student graduates. However, they need to maintain a grade point average of 2.5 to be able to keep Rihanna's scholarship grant.
According to the CLF website, the foundation was founded by Rihanna in honor of her grandparents Clara and Lionel Braithwaite. . Applications for the scholarship program are now on going and will close until June 10, 2016. The finalists will be screened and the scholars will be announced on August 2016.
Rihanna launched CLF in 2012. She has organized yearly Diamond Balls to raise funds for her foundation, Billboard noted. Rihanna has raised over $2 million in 2014 and $3 million more in 2015.
What do you think of Rihanna's scholarship program through her CLF foundation? Let us know what you think in the comments below.