Amid twitter's notoriety for being a time leech for procrastinators, the social platform has found respectable audience dissolve this stigma. It is now a valuable avenue for young people to get in touch with successful career scholars and their excellent contributions in their specific fields.
The more young seekers try to connect with people on top of the game and find access to their portfolios, the higher their work trend in a wider audience. Since this trend began, many lecturer and academics have engaged in the discussion by giving out their most essential contributions in the growing interaction, professional advices.
In Twitter, when a popular word or phrase attains a significant amount of mentions, they start "trending."This means, they will show up in a table that shows what popular topics people discuss to which members may contribute.
On February, the hashtag #AdviceForYoungJournalists began trending. Later on, Times Higher Education (THE) started encouraging users to turn the conversation topic to #AdviceForYoungAcademics. So, the THE-initiated twitter trend took off.
Though the hashtag fails to enter the trending chart, it has become a staple 'go-to' discussion link to most of the young professionals. Daily tweets have been associated with the hashtag and has become the Agora of Twitterverse where concerned parties offer tips, select reading materials and opportunities to the scholars, young and old alike. Tweets are often serious and fully loaded with information, sometimes linked to an article while some are stuff to lighten up the day.
So to get you acquainted, here are some tweets to ponder:
Our goal is not to publish as many articles as we can, but to discover and disseminate truth: #adviceforyoungacademics - Martin Wagner (@martiwag) March 7, 2015
Caroline Magennis, Lecturer in 20th and 21st Classic Literature at School of Arts and Media at the University of Salford, shared about,
ECRs and the REF by @cemathieson #ref2014 #ecrchat #PhDChat #academia #ref2020 #highered #adviceforyoungacademics — Caroline Magennis (@DrMagennis) April 30, 2015
From Chris Goodman, Assistant Professor of Public Administration at The School of Public Administration at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO),
Any PhD student studying local public finance or urban economics/policy should learn as much GIS as they can fit in #adviceforyoungacademics — Chris Goodman (@cbgoodman) March 4, 2015
Libby Hogan said,
Have a content plan with key issues pillars: How will you add value to your audience'a life? @marinasgo #AdviceForYoungAcademics
— Libby Hogan (@LibbyHogan) February 24, 2015
For TG Baudson a visiting Professor at Essen University,
Don't forget to celebrate your successes. And champagne tastes better when shared with colleagues :) #AdviceForYoungAcademics — TGBaudson (@TGBaudson) February 19, 2015
And here's another one,
Don't try to make yourself greater at the expense of others. That's something for mean spirits, not for great ones #AdviceForYoungAcademics — TGBaudson (@TGBaudson) February 19, 2015
John Canning, Senior Lecturer at University of Brighton was serious with,
If you get an academic job you have won the lottery. Don't complain about the jackpot #AdviceForYoungAcademics — John Canning (@johngcanning) February 19, 2015
Jesse Benn is brave,
Your professors will be wrong. Esp. when talking about race, gender, ability, sexuality... etc. Call them on it.#AdviceForYoungAcademics
— Jesse Benn (@JesseBenn) February 15, 2015
This one must be taken lightly,
#FlashbackFriday You can drink so much beer that you pass out while sitting up on the beach #adviceforyoungacademics — Michael P McGuire (@McGuireMichaelP) April 10, 2015