Polio vaccines now are not just to prevent people from suffering from polio, but this new vaccine is finally available to completely eradicate this disease. This medical revolution has made rounds on the Internet on April 18 and it is something that the whole world could benefit on.
The Inquisitr reported that Polio is no longer affecting a lot of people compared to the past few decades thanks to modern medicine. This disease is highly dangerous if not immediately treated. The symptoms include fever; restlessness, massive headache and vomiting just to name a few. People who are diagnosed with polio and left untreated could suffer from extreme paralysis. Some weren't even able to walk completely.
A photo posted by UNICEF (@unicef) on Feb 15, 2016 at 1:51pm PST
Countries that are still yet to develop are usually where this disease could be found. Places that are poor in sanitation are prone to spreading polio, especially when fecal matters are ingested. In an article published by NPR, they said that Polio still exists as a dangerous disease, but the good news is that the rate of its cases went down drastically to 350,000 in 1988. That figure was just based on the data that affected just children in about 125 countries that time.
Now that it is 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) was glad to announce that they are this close to ending the threats of polio all over the world. Director Michael Zaffran of the Polio Eradication at W.H.O. said, that this is about to be possible due to a new vaccine that was developed to finally end the disease. Zaffran added, "[The vaccine] is why we are able to move forward with the largest and fastest globally synchronized switch ever."
This is indeed a huge development in the history of finally eradicating the disease. It took years for medical people and scientists to come up with it and now it is happening. Share this with your loved one today.