College Students Are Finding It Hard To Finish A Book; They Blame It On The School [VIDEO]
ByA lot of university students these days could not help but blame their school when it comes to them not being able to finish an entire book. This issue was brought up since professors from different institutions are saying that students nowadays are no longer able to completely read a book and it is quite disturbing.
Breibart reported that university professors find it daunting that students these days can no longer focus, which is a huge factor why they can't finish a book. But aside from that, they have also observed that university students nowadays have quite a short attention span, which affects their ability to comprehend such complicated subjects and arguments.
A photo posted by Bookworm Merch! - (@bookwormboutique) on Apr 17, 2016 at 3:25am PDT
The Independent reported that after that statement made by university professors, students needed to defend themselves, as to why they weren't able to finish a book. The majority reasoned out that universities put them under time pressure, which is why they are not able to even finish reading a whole book.
It has come to the attention of professors from different universities in the United Kingdom that they would have to force their students to actually finish a book. They also noticed that students these days have no interest in even reading the entire texts. Professors are blaming the Internet, as it has created a new culture and new breed of students who seem to be just depending on technology's feeding.
On the other hand, students are adamant that it is their school's fault for not giving them ample time to finish whatever book that was assigned to them. "It's just not true that students find reading whole books too challenging," said the spokesperson for students at the University of Sheffield's Students' Union. "The reason some students don't read whole books isn't because they struggle to, but because of problems with how we're assessed, and the over-emphasis universities place on assessment."
Who do you think is right about this issue? The university professors or the students? Post your comments below.