The president of California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Jean-Lou Chameau, 59, will bid goodbye to the institute after seven years of service.

He is set to take up the top post at Saudi Arabia's new King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Caltech announced his decision in a letter, Tuesday.

During his stint at Caltech, Chameau achieved financial stability, developed programs in areas such as energy, information technology, medical science and environment and encouraged women's participation in science and technology fields.

He also helped the institution top the list of Times (London)Higher Education World University Rankings in 2011 and 2012; established Caltech Teaching and Learning Center, and created massive open online courses.

In additon, under Chameau's leadership, the institute was able to land the Mars Curiosity Rover and raise $900 million in donations.

Chameau, a native of France, previously, was a provost at George Tech University. He received his Ph.D degree in Civil Engineering from Stanford University and did his undergraduate degree from a French university.

David Lee a member of the Board of Trustees, Caltech, said that Chameau served the institution with excellence, distinction, encouraging innovation and provided resources for high-risk, high-quality research.

His wife, Carol Carmichael was involved in numerous projects at Caltech.

"Until recently, Carol and I believed we would complete our careers at Caltech and retire in Pasadena," Chameau told Pasadena Star News.