The recent incidents of campus firing in the country have brought the safety of innocent children and youngsters in their places of learning into question.

It is a nightmare for anyone imagining themselves confronting a shooter, who is trigger-happy. Presence of mind, a strong will power and physical and mental strength help in surviving such incidents.

Here we have complied helpful tips and guidelines provided by the police department of Irvine, California, to actively reduce the harm inflicted by an active shooter.

Active shooter: In most of the campus firing cases, active shooter did not have particular targets. One or more than one, armed with lethal weapons, open fire indiscriminately to injure or kill as many people as they can.

Follow the guidelines given below when facing a shooter to contain damage to life and property.


Turn off all the lights and close and lock all windows and doors.

If you can do so safely, get everyone on the floor and out of the line of fire.

Move to a central and secure area of the building if safe to do so and remain there until an "all clear" instruction is given by someone you recognize.

If you or others do not recognize the voice that is giving the instruction, you should not change your status. The shooter may attempt to lure you from your secured location. If possible call the P.D. and verify that emergency personnel are at your location.

Follow the direction of police officers as you leave the building, as they may direct you to one collection point. Keep your hands on your head or open in front of you.


If it is possible to flee the area safely and avoid danger, do so. Do not attempt to flee if the shooter is between you and the exit. If you are unsure, do not attempt to flee.

Dial 9-1-1 or (949) 824-5223 to give your location, if possible.

Do not pull the fire alarm. This may work to the shooter's advantage by causing the occupants to funnel out of the building, increasing the number of potential targets.

If flight is impossible, lock all doors and secure yourself in your space.

Get down on the floor or under a desk and remain silent.

Get everyone else on the floor and out of the line of fire.

If you encounter the police, place your hands on your head or open in front of you, and follow their instructions.

Wait for the "all clear" instruction from an emergency first responder.


There is no one procedure that can be recommended in this situation.

Attempt to get the word out to others if possible, and call 911 if that seems practical.

Use common sense. If hiding or flight is impossible, remain quiet. Attempting to negotiate with the individual may be very dangerous.

Attempting to overcome the individual with force is a last resort that should only be initiated in the most extreme circumstances.

Remember, there may be more than one active shooter.

Wait for the "all clear" instruction from an emergency first responder.

Be careful not to make any changes to the scene of the incident since law enforcement authorities will investigate the area later.

In case you must flee, get far away from the shooting scene and contact the Police Department. If your building has a predetermined evacuation site, do not go there. The shooter may know this.