University of Iowa has appointed a lawyer to defend its top administrative officials who are facing charges of threatening a former professor. The case against them has been filed in Jordan, the petitioner's native place.

Paul Rothman, former medical school Dean of the university, and Associate Dean Lois Geist, are accused of issuing death threats to Malik Juweid, who was sacked in August last year and went back to Jordan.

The university spokesperson reportedly called the case against the officials by Juweid baseless. The officials face a hearing on Sunday in Amman, which they plan to give a miss..

"What the university is trying to figure out at this point, is how is it possible that two American citizens who have never been to Jordan, can be subject to jurisdiction in the Jordanian criminal courts," university spokesman Tom Moore said, according to Huffington Post.

"The university has retained legal counsel to try and get answers and if needed will provide a defense to both Dr. Rothman and Dr. Geist," he added.

Juweid had a troubled relationship with the University of Iowa for allegedly harassing his colleagues by emails. The university fired him for his unprofessional behavior.

Earlier, Juweid moved the court in Iowa against university administrators, including Rothman and Geist for alleged discrimination and retaliation.

His conduct was criticized by the judge, who barred him from contacting defendants and noted his "sometimes emotional outbursts, his history of emotional challenges, and his occasional rude emails to defense counsel and parties," reported Huffington Post.

Juweid's current lawsuit claims that Geist made a death threat in April over a phone call and warned him against returning to the U.S. to pursue his lawsuit. He alleged that one of the defendants, Geist, said that they will have him killed.

Juweid says a prosecutor filed the charges based on his statement under oath. Geist denies making the call and has not initiated contact with Juweid since he left the U.S. in June 2011, Moore said.