Eastern Michigan University leadership and federation for teachers sealed a tentative new agreement Wednesday, days before the expiry of the present contract. The new agreement calls for salary hikes of the teachers and changes in health care benefits.

The new contract will now go to ratification vote in January, before it's taken up during the meeting of the University's Board of Regents early next year.

The Eastern Michigan University Federation of Teachers (EMU-FT), representing approximately 100 full-time lecturers, agreed on a tentative four-year contract. The current, two-year contract expires at midnight Dec. 31, said the university in a release.

The tentative agreement calls for a 1.5-percent salary increase in the first year, beginning Jan. 1, 2013, a 2-percent increase in 2014, a 2-percent increase in 2015, and a 1.75-percent increase in 2016, as well as changes to health care plans. Under the agreement, EMU-FT members would receive a one-time increase to base salary of $1,250 to help offset increased costs of the health care plans, according to the varsity officials.

The union will schedule a ratification vote on the contract in January 2013. If the membership approves it, the University's Board of Regents would then vote on the agreement at its regular meeting on February 19, 2013.

The top university leadership appreciated the teachers and management for reaching the accord without any conflicts.

Eastern Michigan University President Susan Martin said that atmosphere of collaboration has always prevailed during all labor negotiations.

"Mutual respect and an atmosphere of collaboration have been the driving factors in all of our recent labor negotiations. This case was no different," Martin said.

"I would like to acknowledge the important contribution our full-time lecturer faculty makes to the educational experience of Eastern students," Martin added.

"We are very pleased with the new contract and believe that it is a good and fair agreement for all parties. It was a pleasure working with EMU's negotiation team. Their commitment to working with our team to create this contract should be applauded," Sonya Alvarado, President of the EMU-FT said.

EMU Provost Kim Schatzel said, "I would like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of both bargaining teams in reaching this agreement. It reflects our determined efforts to work positively and constructively to address challenges facing all universities."