The University of Hawaii Foundation announced that it has received $9.2 million from an individual donor. The identity of the benefactor will remain anonymous on request.

The donation will be used to boast the university's scholarship schemes and researches.

The foundation announced that the gift will be used to fund various developmental efforts including, scholarships for underrepresented students on 10 campuses; expanding knowledge of the universe; fuel research in microbial oceanography and ocean ecosystem; to build an advanced culinary training facility in Hawai'i; help people live better for longer; save Hawai'i's endangered plants.

Through endowed and expendable accounts in the following areas, this donor's impact will be immeasurable for many years to come, said the University of Hawaii foundation in an announcement.

"One of the premier programs within the community colleges is culinary education," John Morton, vice president for community colleges," said in a statement.

"We have almost 800 students enrolled across the state in six different programs. Some of Hawaii's best chefs are products of these programs, but we've never had the opportunity for them to get advanced training without going away to the Mainland," he added.

"So we've created this vision on the slopes of Diamond Head, building an advanced culinary institute that would lead students to get more skills in culinary and also the business skills that they need to be successful as restaurateurs in the hospitality industry... . That project is happening after many years of planning, thanks in part to gifts like this," he concluded.