According to a recently published study, air pollution poses the risk of premature death risk for diabetic women, Lighthouse News Daily reports.

The study was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

The study is the first to study the link between exposure to air pollution and particulate matter to the health problems experienced by women.

For the study, the researchers conducted the research on a cohort of 114,537 women registered in the Nurses' Health Study. The data in this study has been collected through the years 1989 and 2006.

The participants in the study were white women of middle and upper social and economic status, living across the U.S.

The impact of particulate matter on the women's health was divided in three groups, ranging from less exposure to high exposure.

The researchers observed that the risk of cardiovascular disease was observed to have increased slightly for all the three groups.

The study concluded that the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease when diabetic women were considered increased drastically with exposure to each 10 mg per cubic meter of air.

Therefore, the researchers concluded that air pollution leads to a premature death risk with diabetic women.

According to MNT, lead study author Jaime E. Hart, assistant professor at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, said,

"Many studies have shown that the smallest size fraction (PM 2.5) is associated with the highest risks. There is evidence that the smaller particles get deeper into the lungs and can even cross into the blood stream."

The study considered smoking, family history and other factors. However, none of these influenced the results.

Topics Diabetes, Death, Women