In a time when every green initiative matters more than ever, Penn State's attempt to encourage more number of students to use bicycles within campus, has been honored with a remarkable status.

League of American Bicyclists, a 132-year old non-profit membership organization which promotes cycling for fun, fitness and transportation through advocacy and education, has named Penn State University Park as a bronze level Bicycle Friendly University.

The distinction honors the University's commitment to bicycling and initiatives that promote a safe and convenient biking environment on campus.

An event to celebrate Penn State's Bicycle Friendly University status is being planned for the spring semester. With the designation, Penn State becomes one of only 44 Bicycle Friendly Universities in the country.

Receiving a distinction from LAB is not an easy process. The university had to go through an elaborate evaluation process. It included reviewing an application, studying the biking infrastructure of campus and consulting with local cyclists. The league's program, which is in its 10th year, also collects data on activities within five areas: engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation.

Ernie Lehman, president of the Penn State Bicycle Club, said he is excited about the recognition and hopes that it encourages students to hop on their bikes.

"University Park is pretty nice," he said. "It's the perfect size for bikers. It's too small to have a car and too big to walk everywhere. A bicycle is the perfect medium."

The Bicycle Friendly University status is a result of Penn State's Bicycle Master Plan, an initiative that Transportation Services implemented four years ago. The plan included widening streets, expanding bike access on campus and offering bicycle registration online. Adding climbing lanes and building covered bike parking were also a part of the plan.

The bronze level is valid for four years. The university said it will not only continue its bicycle-friendly initiatives during that time but also expand them in order to achieve a higher level in 2016.