A Yale football player has dragged the New Haven police to court for attacking him with a taser in a nightclub raid back in 2010.

Jordan Jefferson moved the New Haven Superior Court against top police officials of the city, claiming he was tasered in spite of not resisting arrest, when police raided the Alchemy/Elevate nightclub.

Former police Chief Frank Limon and other officers involved in the raid have been accused of allegedly attacking the student. Jefferson has claimed that he suffered from headaches, blurred vision and other injuries, after being tasered.

Jefferson has also sought over $15,000 in damages in the lawsuit. According to news reports, the plaintiff has claimed that he was repeatedly attacked with a taser, batons and got kicked by the police, despite cooperating with the officials during the raid.

"If police had used common sense, judgment and exercised a reasonable approach, my client would not have been injured,'' said William Dow III, Jefferson's attorney, according to Associated Press. Meanwhile, the agency also reported that the charges against the plaintiff of assaulting police and resisting arrest were dismissed.

Meanwhile, an attorney for the city police said that he was well aware of the lawsuit and will respond to it at the right time.