As expected, an asteroid called 2015 TB145 flew on by Earth this Halloween without posing any threat whatsoever, but NASA recorded the flyby nonetheless.

NASA detailed the asteroid Tuesday in a news release, measuring it to be about 2,000 feet in diameter and spherical in shape. 2015 TB145 passed Earth at a distance of about 300,000 miles, which is just a bit farther than the distance from the moon. reported more than a week ago the asteroid was nicknamed "Spooky" given its timing and the newly obtained images make the asteroid almost look like a skull.

"The radar images of asteroid 2015 TB145 show portions of the surface not seen previously and reveal pronounced concavities, bright spots that might be boulders, and other complex features that could be ridges," Lance Benner, NASA's asteroid radar research program chief at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said in the release. "The images look distinctly different from the Arecibo radar images obtained on Oct. 30 and are probably the result of seeing the asteroid from a different perspective in its three-hour rotation period."

NASA spotted the asteroid using multiple radio telescope signals as part of the Near-Earth Object Observations Program. The next time such a large asteroid will come this close to Earth, NASA projected, will be in August 2027.