Central Michigan University has announced that retired General and former Secretary of State under Bush regime, Colin Powell will be the key note speaker during CMU's Martin Luther King Jr. celebration week in January.

Powell has been in the news recently for endorsing President Barak Obama once again over fellow Republican Mitt Romney. Due to the second-time endorsement of Obama, the 75-year-old General had to face the ire of the Republicans, with Romney Surrogate John Sununu calling Powell's endorsement decision as being based on 'race' rather than the efficiency of the candidates.

Unfortunately for Sununu, his remarks backfired for which he is being heavily criticized by the mainstream media and public.

Powell, the first and only African-American to serve on Joint Chiefs of Staff, will be speaking at CMU Jan.24

"Colin Powell is a man of high character and great integrity who has much wisdom to offer the students, faculty and staff of CMU, as well as residents of the surrounding region," CMU President George E. Ross said.

"We are honored and humbled to host one of America's greatly admired and respected leaders."

He will also meet with a group of students before the keynote presentation to discuss the attributes of leadership.

The University which is celebrating its 120th year of establishment is all set to host Powell. The Philip A. Hart and William G. Milliken Endowed Speaker Series for Integrity in Politics is funding the majority of Gen. Powell's $125,000 speaking cost and additional sponsors include the Office for Institutional Diversity, Multicultural Academic Students Services, Speaker Series and Program Board.

"Gen. Powell's speech, 'Taking Charge,' is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students, the campus and the community to gain leadership counsel from one of the nation's most highly decorated generals," said Pamela Gates, dean of the College of Humanities and Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Powell will speak at the CMU Events Center at 8 p.m. Tickets are free and will be available from the CMU box office in mid-November.