While Hurricane Sandy is wrecking havoc over most of United States, many students too have fallen into anxiety with the possibility of not being able to meet the Nov.1 deadline of universities for the academic year 2013-2014.

Authorities in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states have already predicted that the power loss may get extended to this whole week.

With more than 2.5 million people suffering from loss of electricity, the likelihood of students submitting college applications-without Internet or computers-by the time of early-applications deadline remains extremely bleak.

The universities have apparently heard the students' pleas and have decided to push the college application deadlines further.

Almost all of the Ivy League schools have decided to give more time for the students hit by the hurricane, reports Bloomberg:

"Yale, Columbia and Cornell universities along with Dartmouth College extended their deadlines to Nov. 5, the University of Pennsylvania to Nov. 6, and Brown University to Nov. 7, according to their websites. Harvard and Princeton University gave no specific deadline for delayed applications, telling applicants to cite the reason for lateness in a note to the school."

According to Washington Post, one of the prestigious institutions on the eastern seaboard, University of Virginia has decided to accept applications for early-action admissions till Nov.4 midnight.

Dean of Admissions at U-Va Greg Roberts told the Post that the university wanted to give families more time 'if in fact this is going to be as devastating to some areas as some people think.'

University of Maryland officials too have decided to extend the Nov.1 early admission deadline, but the new date is not known as of yet.

Georgetown University has set the new deadline to Monday, Nov.5 while Washington and Lee University officials have told that they would be flexible regarding the deadline.

"We're asking them to get us their materials as soon as possible and to do their best to submit what they can before any possible power-related interruptions to Internet service," said Jonathan Lee, associated dean of admissions at Washington and Lee to the Post.

John Hopkins too has extended the deadline, but will announce the new date only after analyzing the impact of Sandy.