When Xavier University based in Cincinnati, Ohio, initially announced in April that it would stop birth-control insurance coverage, it drew criticism from every direction. But, now apparently it is still covering the insurance despite its initial claim.

According to a report by Inside Higher Ed, President Michael Graham has taken the responsibility of handling the situation. He went back on his word of halting the insurance, he says, because the federal health-care reform act was upheld by the court in June.

Under the act-better known as 'Obamacare'-employers initially needed to provide insurance that covers birth-control. It exempted churches and other religious institutions but church-affiliated hospitals and educational institutions had to comply with the mandate. But, due to severe opposition from said institutions, the Obama administration amended the mandate which now required insurers to cover contraception and not the institutions.

Many catholic and evangelical institutions were and still are opposing the requirement, citing that it would go against their 'religious beliefs.' Several lawsuits have been filed in the courts but many of these haven't done well.

When this opposition was at its crescendo early this year, Xavier-a Jesuit, Catholic Institution-realized that it had been covering contraception, although such was not required by any state law. Hence, president Graham announced then that the university would halt the coverage citing that it was 'inconsistent' with Roman Catholic beliefs.

But, Graham faced severe flak from the faculty and staff for taking a one-sided decision without consulting them, many of whom were non-Catholics and did not side with the university's religious beliefs.

But, after the court's ruling in June, he changed his decision, according to the journal. He said, according to a spokeswoman, while he is still against the mandate, he said, institutions must set a moderate example for the nation.

In an email to the Inside Higher Ed, Graham wrote:

"Religious institutions have never been asked to violate their consciences in this profound a manner."

Obamacare has been one of the important mandates approved in recent years and is an important issue of this election season which has the power to turn the November ballot expectations upside down.