With the advancement in technology, online storage of information by means of cloud software platforms is not strange any more. There are varied numbers of cloud programs such as DropBox to help store information online which can be accessed through any system at anytime, anywhere.

Extending the same logic, educational institutions too are in the process of incorporating cloud storage programs into their systems, so that a large amount of information can be stored using them, without relying on the hard disk of the system. Also, when the video lecture, course materials are stored on cloud storage programs, students too can easily access the same.

Hence, in an attempt to fulfil its need of hosting and streaming educational video content, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater's College of Business and Economics has chosen Steadfast as data host for its online streaming.

The largest business school in Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater has been making video recordings since its online MBA program's inception in 1999.

In 2004, all of the media went online and in 2009 they implemented a college-wide lecture recording system that allows faculty to make recordings directly from their classrooms. This has resulted in a total of over 5000 videos. Now in 2012 they are outsourcing all of their multimedia hosting and streaming to Steadfast and their Cloud Hosting platform.

"Our Campus' data center has provided reliable service for years during the workday, but our students are located around the world." says Aaron Schuett, Technical Coordinator at UWW.

"Just because it's midnight in Wisconsin doesn't mean a student in China shouldn't be able to view their course material. With Steadfast, we have a team working 24x7 to keep our College running. With the number of students we have that are located outside the US, uptime is critical."

Steadfast is a data center services provider based out of Chicago and New York with server management, disaster recovery and cloud hosting. It provides Managed Data Center services to a wide array of clients from educational to financial institutions and their Cloud Platform was apparently a perfect fit for UW-Whitewater's needs for reliable high availability, high performance streaming solution.

With this new move, students of the school across the globe can access their huge collection of lecture videos with very little or no effort.