Booing the President of United States in public games is nothing new. As NBC News points out, it goes back as far as 1931, when then president Herbert Hoover was booed by the crowd at a game of the World Series between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Philadelphia Athletics.

Frequency of boos aside, Clemson University has not taken the recent booing at Obama lightly.

Clemson University President James Barker sent an email to students Tuesday condemning the behavior of the fans who booed Obama in a military induction ceremony administered during the school's football game against Virginia Tech.

He said Clemson's annual Military Appreciation Day Saturday was 'marred by bad behavior from some fans.'

The booing incident was first reported in an opinion column in Daily Kos by an alumnus of the university who called it an act of 'disgrace to this country.' The news spread like a wildfire among social media including one exclusive for Clemson Sports fans.

Many were divided on the issue and one of the fans called the incident 'disgusting,' adding that the fans have 'actually dropped into the sewer,' who failed to note that the ceremony was intended to honor 'military heroes and future defenders of our freedom,' reports NBC News.

During their oath amid 80,000 and odd fans, students entering the university's Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) pledged to 'obey the orders of the president of the United States,' which resulted in thousands of fans booing at the reference to the president.

"Many Clemson people have contacted me to express their sadness and disappointment at this public display of disrespect for the office of the President and the young people taking a solemn oath that day. I share those sentiments," wrote Barker in his email.

He also added that people with opposing views and different political beliefs may fight in the social media, TV, Radio and everywhere else with lot of fervor, but one needs to have minimum civility in doing so because at the end of the day 'we have one President and he is President of us all.'