People may soon be able to receive the benefits of exercise, without exercising, KCBS reported.

After uncovering increasingly detailed information on its benefits for metabolism, circulation, and improved functioning of organs such as the heart, brain, and liver, researchers from the University of British Columbia may be better equipped to develop "exercise pills" that could mimic at least some of the beneficial effects of physical exercise on the body.

"An exercise pill would do what exercise regularly does to muscle," Ismail Laher, co-author of the study, told KCBS.

Several laboratories are developing exercise pills, which at this early stage are being tested in animals to primarily target skeletal muscle performance and improve strength and energy use--essentially producing stronger and faster muscles. But of course the benefits of exercise are far greater than its effects on only muscles, Time reported.

"Clearly people derive many other rewarding experiences from exercise -- such as increased cognitive function, bone strength, and improved cardiovascular function," Laher said. "It is unrealistic to expect that exercise pills will fully be able to substitute for physical exercise -- at least not in the immediate future."

While exercise pills may provide some benefits for people in the general population, they might be especially helpful for those who are unable to exercise for a variety of reasons.

"For example, a pill for people with spinal cord injury could be very appealing given the difficulties that these individuals face in exercising due to paralysis--in such patients, a large number of detrimental changes occur in cardiovascular and skeletal muscle function," Laher explained.

A detailed review of current development efforts is published in the journal Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.