The Sierra Leone village, Kambia, has been out under quarantine by the authorities following the death of a 67-year old woman who was diagnosed for Ebola, BBC News reports.

The quarantine on the nearly 1000 people in the village in Kambia on the northern border with Guinea will last for three weeks, provided no new cases of Ebola are recorded. Under the quarantine, people will not be allowed to move from one house to another. The soldiers and police that have been deployed in the village in Kambia on the northern border with Guinea will implement the quarantine.

The quarantine comes 5 days into a six-week countdown announced by the country to be officially declared Ebola-free.

More than 11,000 people have lost their lives to the Ebola virus since the outbreak of the disease in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.

The BBC's correspondent, Umaru Fofana, stationed in the capital, Freetown, said that the Ebola case had been an unexpected setback for the authorities who had become optimistic since no new fresh Ebola cases had been reported for a long time.

The World Health Organization and Sierra Leone's health ministry plan to vaccinate the people who could have come into contact with the woman who died of Ebola.

Topics Ebola