Students eager to enroll in The Great Falls College of Montana State University's two nursing programs have to wait a bit longer than expected.

The University, formerly known as MSU- Great Falls College of Technology, has announced that it is delaying the implementation of its Registered Nursing program and put on hold until the fall of 2013 its existing Practical Nursing program.

The reason for the delay seems to be the inability to find qualified faculty members.

"There's a shortage of qualified nursing educators out there," said Heidi Pasek, chief academic officer at Great Falls College-MSU.

It's been reported that on June 1, current and incoming health care students were notified of the postponement. Registered nursing program applicants were notified of the postponement on June 25 and applicants for the practical nursing program were notified on July 13.

Annually the college accepts 20 students to its Practical Nursing program and was ready to accept 20 students into the new Registered Nursing program. But due to these developments the students are being advised to either seek out a different medical course of study or another nursing program in the state, as no student had officially been enrolled into the class yet.

Pasek said that the college is currently looking to hire a program director and two nursing faculty to run the program in 2013.

The introductory nursing classes are still being offered and the college's advising centre has been working with students who will be affected by change.