Two construction workers died in a crane collapse on the University of Texas at Dallas campus on Saturday, according to police officials.

The crane which was used to construct an arts and technology building collapsed when it was being dismantled on the university's campus around 3:00 p.m. The unconstructed building was said to be just few feet away from the McDermott Library at the UTD.

Several students and staff were present inside the library at the time of the incident. But there were no reports of faculty or staff injured, according to a statement from the campus officials.

The statement read: "There was an accident on the UT Dallas campus Saturday afternoon during the dismantling of a construction crane at the Arts and Technology Building. Two workers with an outside construction company are reported deceased. There are no reports of UT Dallas students, staff, or faculty injured in this accident."

The college officials have also warned students to stay away from the southeast side of the campus.

UTD Graduate student Erik Robison was just walking out of the library soon after the crane collapsed. "I came outside and noticed that the whole Richardson police squad was here. It took me a while to notice what was missing - it was the crane that was down," quoted Robison as saying.

According to some reports, the wind was blowing at 50 miles per hour but it was not known whether the wind was the reason behind the crane collapse. reported that the university spokeswoman Katherine Morales said that there were no further details regarding the incident.