A newly leaked image may be the most convincing image of what the iPhone 6S will look like, and it appears to be nearly identical to its predecessor.

Cult of Mac reported Thursday obtaining an image of the new handset's front panel (this one appearing to be the 6S Plus), and noted that it looked much like the iPhone 6/6 Plus. Cult of Mac also obtained an image of the handset's back panel earlier this month.

The "S" iPhones have always served as an interim upgrade since the release of the 4S. The 6S/6S Plus appears to be just that, since it looks just like its predecessor while offering several hardware updates.

For example, MICGadget.com previously learned via unnamed sources that Apple is planning to drop the 16GB-capacity iPhone starting this year. In the same report, the website also stated Apple is outfitting the iPhone 6S with a 12-megapixel forward facing camera.

While the iPhone's camera is widely regarded as one of - if not the best smartphone camera on the market, but Apple has not upped its megapixels since the release of the 4S.

Apple is likely preparing to release the new iPhone(s) later this fall, so production is going to start intensifying at their overseas supply factories. With all the different iPhone components floating about, expect more leaks.

Check out GdtCompare.com's "iPhone 7 Concept" video below.