People who regularly consume oranges or grapefruit could have an increased risk of developing the "most deadly form of skin cancer," NBC News reported.

Researchers found that People who ate citrus fruits two to four times per week had a 10 percent increased risk of melanoma compared to those who ate citrus fruit less than twice a week.

"Cutaneous malignant melanoma is a potentially life-threatening form of skin cancer," Aurar Qureshi, senior author of the study, told Reuters. "Although there have been recently incredible advances in the treatment of melanoma, melanoma prevention through the use of sun protection and skin cancer screening is recommended."

For the study, researchers collected and analyzed data from more than 63,000 in the Nurses' Health Study and 41,000 men in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. For more than 20 years, researchers collected data on the study participants' dietary patterns every two to four years.

Based on their findings, the risk of developing the deadly form of skin cancer was low overall -- "fewer than 2 percent of the people in the study got melanoma in the 25 years," NBC News reported. However, that risk was 36 percent higher in people who consumed at least 1.6 six-ounce servings of citrus fruit or juice daily compared to those who consumed less than two servings per week.

But that risk was 36 percent higher in people who ate or drank at least 1.6 six-ounce servings of citrus fruit or juice daily compared to those who consumed them less than twice per week.

Researchers said the link between citrus fruits and melanoma is plausible because "certain compounds in citrus explain the association," said Dr. Abrar Qureshi, senior author of the study.

According to HealthDay, citrus fruits contain a certain compounds that are known to make the skin more sensitive to the sun when applied to its surface.

However, investigators caution that the results from their "observational study may not reflect the whole U.S. population," Reuters reported.

"We are NOT recommending changing fruit consumption as these fruits and vegetables are important for overall health," Qureshi said. "However, until we learn more about these furocoumarins, those consuming fresh citrus fruits on a regular basis should be extra careful with sun exposure, and depending on their outdoor activities they should wear appropriate sunscreen, hats and sun-protective clothing."

The findings are detailed in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.