Peter Lepage, the Harold Tanner Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, will step down June 30, 2013, he announced May 16. He will have served for 10 years, longer than all but one of the college's 19 previous deans.

"Next spring, I will be delighted to share some reflections on the College of Arts and Sciences during my decade as dean," said Lepage. "There is much to celebrate about the current course of Cornell's liberal arts college - one of the nation's finest. But for now, I have exciting work to do with our faculty and staff, our alumni, and many others, on the college's behalf."

Said Provost Kent Fuchs: "When Peter Lepage talks about the power of the liberal arts at Cornell, he has the ability to inspire others to think in new ways and take action. He brings exceptional strength of character and intellect to his leadership of our largest, most academically diverse college. We are fortunate to have him in that role for another year."

Lepage, who is a professor of physics, will remain on Cornell's faculty, returning to teaching and continuing his research, he said. While leading the College of Arts and Sciences, he has maintained a successful research program in quantum physics, developing new numerical simulation techniques critical to the study of quantum chromodynamics. He also co-chaired a study on postsecondary science education for the President's Council of Advisors in Science and Technology, a group of the nation's leading scientists and engineers who advise the Executive Office of the President.

The Office of the Provost will manage the search process, which will begin with the identification of a search committee. The search will take place during the next academic year, with the expectation that the new dean will be in place by July 2013.

Source: Cornell University