Awaiting trial for covering up crimes of a child sexual abuse, former Penn State University (PSU) President Graham Spanier has sued the school and ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh.

According to ESPN's "Outside the Lines" (OTL), Spanier accused Freeh of defamation and wrongful interference in his investigation and PSU of breaching his contract. Alongside two other former PSU administrators, Spanier is set to be tried for charges including perjury, endangering the welfare of children, obstruction of justice, failure to report child abuse, conspiracy to commit perjury and conspiracy to endanger the welfare of children.

Both officials at PSU and at Freeh's law firm, Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan, declined comment on the matter.

"By all accounts, Dr. Spanier was one of the most honored and decorated university presidents with a sterling reputation before Freeh and Penn State published these false conclusions," Libby Locke, an attorney representing Spanier, told OTL. "Dr. Spanier knows that he is innocent. And once an impartial jury has the opportunity to weigh the full body of evidence - not just Freeh's one-sided presentation of it - Dr. Spanier is confident that the public will know it, too."

PSU hired Freeh to conduct an independent review of the child sex abuse crimes committed by Jerry Sandusky, a former assistant coach on the football team. Freeh's findings were the basis for the NCAA's historic sanctions against PSU's football program and athletic department, as well as the firing of Spanier and others.

The Freeh Report also contributed to the charges against the former PSU President.

In his 140-page lawsuit, Spanier accused the investigator "knowingly and maliciously" published findings that suggested he knowingly withheld information from police regarding a man sexually abusing young boys.

Spanier's legal representation plan to use now public documents that show Freeh was corresponding with the NCAA before the publication of his report. He is seeking damages from Freeh and his law and consulting firms, as well as from PSU.