MINDink, Australia's newest edu-tech startup, connects students, globally, through their digital textbooks, allowing them to discover and study with classmates and other students from any university campus around the world.
MINDink, which has been launched nationally across 36 universities, is the absolute latest social learning and study platform for university students.
This new platform uses cutting edge technology to enable students to; purchase and access their digital textbooks online and offline on their smartphones, tablets and on the web, create and store their notes in the cloud, all while connecting with other students across the country, even the globe.
After initially targeting only the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and Macquarie University (MQ) students through its beta launch in August 2014, MINDink attracted more than 1,500 students from 17 Australian universities, signed partnership agreements with four global publishing companies and raised $350,000 in seed funding. Now, for semester one 2015, MINDink is pleased to announce its arrival at thirty-six universities across Australia.
MINDink facilitates students' ability to study 'socially' by connecting students through their textbooks, creating and sharing notes, interacting with like-minded students and even to work with tutors - a far easier and more efficient way of studying. The philosophy behind MINDink is that no matter which university you attend, business is business, medicine is medicine and teaching is teaching, so whether you're studying at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Flinders University or even the University South Carolina (USC) students should be able to reach out to one-another and collaborate their study efforts -- essentially creating global study groups.
UTS, Sydney University (USYD), MQ, the University of Queensland (UQ) and Deakin University are just a few of the thirty-six Australian universities to join the MINDink revolution and make their course materials available through this latest technology platform. The most popular learning areas on MINDink include Law, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, Business and Education.
"We've designed the MINDink network to make students lives simpler," officials said. "Whether you're a student, university lecturer or publisher we've made sure everyone truly benefits from using MINDink. We take digital textbooks and study content direct to students in the most interactive and engaging social commerce platform in the world of higher education."
For more info visit www.mindink.com.