NEW YORK, March 27, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) students registering for Fall 2012 can now major in Communication Studies-and choose from an exciting range of national and international career paths.

Reflecting a trend within the City University of New York (CUNY) system to link community college programs with those at senior colleges, the Communication Studies program at BMCC is linked to the Bachelor's in Communication Studies program at Brooklyn College/CUNY, and the CUNY Online B.A. Program in Culture and Communication. Students will be eligible to transfer to countless other public and private universities, as well.

In today's workplace, "We are just saturated in communication, and people who do that well can have quite a career," said Professor Sandra Poster, who teaches in BMCC's Department of Speech, Communications & Theatre Arts.

Strong communication skills-listening, critical thinking, writing and speaking-are indicators for success in marketing research, law, public affairs, journalism, advertising, not-for-profit management, community relations, human resources, counseling, and many other industries.

The demand for communication professionals has been amplified by the emergence of new technologies, which in turn have globalized many industries. Professionals who can communicate across cultures, and through constantly evolving media, are in high demand.

Students majoring in Communication Studies at BMCC will build their ability to communicate in small groups, as well as to vast audiences, nationally and worldwide. Courses will examine communication in interpersonal, intercultural and multi-media contexts, and internships-located in industries as diverse as the communications field, itself-will enable students to apply what they're learning in a professional setting.

"Historically, the communications field has been very good for women, minorities, and entrepreneurs-and our students have a strong entrepreneurial spirit," said Professor Poster.

Source: Borough of Manhattan Community College / CUNY