NASA has given UFO enthusiast and conspiracy theorists another reason to question the government's role in covering up supposed sightings.

According to Inquistr, NASA cut a live stream from aboard the International Space Station (ISS) when a strange grey object appeared on the horizon of the Earth. The stream came from a high-definition camera on the outside of the ISS.

A user on YouTube called Streetcap1 posted video of the strange object appearing, which was followed by an error message ending the live stream. While it is clear that an object - and no, it's no moon - appears on the horizon, it appears quite blurry, but seems grey and round.

Streetcap1 noted in the description of the video that the moon appears white in such a live feed, and later provided a link to a video to show what he meant. is a website that has kept a close eye on NASA and Scott Warring, the website's editor, noted that the space agency "again" covered up a potential UFO sighting.

"NASA did it again. A UFO shows up on live public Internet cam and NASA takes it off line," he wrote Sunday. "Who here is surprised by this? If you are, you are new here. UFOs are caught by researchers on a weekly basis and NASA does cut the line when they catch them. However the eggheads at NASA are not always focused on the screen and miss a lot of very interesting and sometimes very highly detailed UFOs."

The Huffington Post UK noted that NASA has allegedly "duct taped" UFO sightings before, like with the Apollo 7 mission. The website posed the question as to why NASA did not simply do this again if they did not want any public discourse on the matter.